Mp3 Download song King Konga I Just Dont Care FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. King Konga song lyrics

King Konga - I Just Dont Care Lyrics

they say that idle hands just make trouble,
but i'll just dig a little deeper if you give the shovel.
they say if you stand still you won't get nowhere,
well i don't have any burdens.
'cause i just don't care.
i just don't care!

i played the guitar when i was eight and they said go away,
but, now that i'm charging a rate they all want me to stay.
people say that you're crazy if you take a dare.
so, lock me up and commit me
'cause i just don't care!

i'm worry free, carelessly passing time relentlessly,
i am who i am.
the bills are late-to compensate i guess i'll leave it up to fate.
i really don't give a damn!
i just don't care!

satisfaction can't always be a guarantee,
but it doesn't take much for me because, i'm easy to please
i say please. i say thankyou because, i know that manners are rare
but, if i forget-to hell with it
i don't ca
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